porous sponge PTFE sheet was developed primarily
for gasket applications.

What makes Interplast's porous sponge PTFE sheet so extraordinary is the compressibility and greater recovery characteristics over conventional PTFE.
This allows the sponge PTFE sheet to have superior sealing capabilities in
applications where there are uneven, smooth or damaged flange surfaces.

Porous sponge PTFE sheet offers superior chemical resistance,
broad operating temperature (-400°F to + 500°F), is FDA compliant.
Low friction, non-absorbing and non-flammable.

Typical applications:

  • glass lined pipe
  • worn or damaged flange surfaces
  • chemical use
  • low bolt torque pipe
  • misaligned sealing surfaces
  • sanitary piping applications

Available thickness(inches)
1/8 - 3/16 - 1/4

Sheet sizes: 12" x 12", 12" x 24", 12" x 36",
12" x 48", 24" x 24", 24" x 36",
24" x 48", 36" x 48", 48" x 48"

Available Gasket Types: fullface, flange and ring type

Chemical etching available for
bonding to another surface

Metric Sizes Available


Call tollfree
1-800-220-1159 for more information
Interplast Inc., P.O. Box 1328, Burlington, New Jersey 08016
Outside the USA: 001-609-386-4990
Fax: 609-386-9237 • Email:

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